Manual Lymphatic Drainage

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What Is Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD®) ?

This is a gentle, non-invasive manual technique specifically targeting the lymphatic vessels that lay directly under the skin to reduce edema and maintain a balance of fluids in our tissues. These physiological principles have proven to encourage lymph flow. Lymphatic drainage massage is a specialized technique aimed at stimulating the lymphatic system, which is a crucial part of the body's immune and circulatory systems. The lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from bodily tissues, maintains fluid balance, and transports white blood cells to fight infections.

Our therapists are Dr. Vodder certified, the most extensive and thorough program on Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD®) .

How It Works

The therapist uses a very light technique that gently torques the skin to manually open the valves of lymphatic vessels. The body does this, slowly, on its own when our systems are healthy and functioning properly. However, when edema occurs, MLD assists the body in moving this fluid more rapidly, decreasing the swelling.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a treatment for a condition known as lymphedema. Lymphedema  is a disease where protein-rich fluid, known as lymph, collects just under the skin causing swelling (typically in the arms or legs). Damage to the body’s lymphatic system changes the way lymph fluid moves from arms and legs to the core of our body. Left untreated the swelling (edema) progresses, resulting in pain, decreased mobility, recurrent soft tissue infections and permanent disability.

There are two types of lymphedema:

Primary Lymphedema - congenital (you are born with it) with too few or malformed lymph nodes, vessels or valves.

Secondary Lymphedema - following  trauma to the lymph system, usually post- surgery, radiation, injury, and obesity.

MLD For Pre and Post Op Patients

MLD® (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) is an ideal pre and post op treatment after undergoing surgery, even cosmetic surgery. MLD® promotes body detoxification and works to reduce any swelling or edemas following the surgical procedure. This treatment accelerates the overall healing process and minimizes any potential scarring or long-term effects. This helps to lower the overall pain and as an added bonus, manual lymphatic drainage is a natural way to calm and relax your body.

Pre -Operation MLD®

Typically, two to three MLD® treatments are recommended before the surgery, ideally within a week beforehand. By having these manual lymphatic drainage sessions before your surgery, you’re ensuring that you’re promoting ideal blood flow and working to improve your body’s immune system. Manual lymphatic drainage works to detoxify any potential debris and waste, which may have accumulated within the interstitial spaces of your skin. By having MLD® pre-operation, you’re also facilitating quicker healing after the procedure.

Post -Operation MLD®

Additionally, it is beneficial to have another two to three MLD® treatments after your surgery, with physician’s approval. These can begin as quick as 24 hours post-surgery which helps to reduce any swelling and inflammation which may arise from the procedure. Occasionally, surgery can repress the lymphatic system’s function, leading to longer healing times. Manual lymphatic drainage is used to reroute lymph to vessels and nodes to reduce swelling, reduce pain, reduce bruising, and reduce the likelihood of post-surgery edema.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD®) massage can assist with the following conditions:

Pre and post surgery including cosmetic
Migraines and tension headaches
Arthritis pain and Fibromyalgia
Pre-allergy season
Post mastectomy and cancer related edema
Pregnancy-related edema
The information provided here is just an overview. Each case will be different depending on the person. We’ll be happy to provide more detailed information as it pertains to you when you call us at 778-744-8401.

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